Art Galleries

Visit to Gallery Three in Burton on Trent

On Thursday 12th November, I visited Gallery Three in Burton on Trent where artist Ducan MacGregor was presenting his pieces. Although I had never heard of him before, I really enjoyed looking around and seeing his different paintings. unfortunately, we were not able to take photographs, but I have collected a group of his most famous paintings and ones which I particularly liked.

Ducan MacGregor 

"I am fascinated by the ever changing effects of natural light and colour"

Biography of Duncan McGregor:
Duncan MacGregor was born in 1961 in the Midlands were he grew up and still spends most of the year. Despite living so far inland, he developed an interest for the sea and spent eighteen months sailing across the Atlantic and then around the coast of Britain. Now he spends part of the year at home in the Midlands and the rest in Scotland.
He is particularly interested in the effects of natural light on colour. Concerning mediums, he uses a acrylics and creates a textured painting (which was an aspect that I liked from his paintings).

Whilst walking around the gallery, it was obvious that the basis of this painting (the boats and large sails) reoccurred a lot in his pieces. although each on was unique in its own way, I found it quite repetitive, plus a lot of his art is bordering on abstract which is an aspect of art which I don't particularly like as I think it loses the meaning and definition of the painting.

Ancient Knowledge I by Duncan MacGregorAncient Knowledge II by Duncan MacGregor

The paintings of the trees were one of my favourite directions in his art as, although you can not see it on these images, he has created a really dynamic texture by over applying the acrylic paint. This is an aspect that I want to import into my own art as I think it makes the piece a lot more engaging and eye-catching. I also like how in every painting of a tree he has create, he was create a sense of unity by also including one red leaf. This, I believe, makes his art more repeatable and easy to recognise that it is one of his paintings.

Summer Meadow by Duncan MacGregorIn For Repairs by Duncan MacGregor

Tom Butler

In the gallery, there was a second floor which exhibited a number of different artists and the pieces  which I found the most engaging and impactful were created by artist, Tom Butler. I really love how he has used different types of text to recreate iconic buildings and landscapes as you can still tell what the image is of but it also has uniqueness which, I think, is important for an artist to have as it makes them stand out from others. 

Looking at his art has made me change the direction in which I want to take my project. I want to focus more on the collage technique and using different types of materials and mediums in one piece of art. This is because, I want my pieces to be exciting and eye-catching.

An extract from his biography:
My technique and style have evolved enormously over the years. I began introducing mixed media into my work back in 2005, using Lazertran, a method of transferring photocopied material onto any surface, something I’d discovered whilst on my degree course.
       Like my taste in music, my love of art is widespread. I really appreciate the use of colour and light by some of the Impressionist painters, namely Monet and Cezanne. At A-level I studied the work of John Singer Sargent, Kandinsky and the 1930’s poster artist and typographer, A.M Cassandre. During my degree I was inspired by the talents of Norman Rockwell and Cartoonist Ralph Stedman as I learnt how to create expression in characters and bring to life illustrations. In later works, Stedman too began introducing collage to his splattered, grotesque depictions, especially anatomical diagrams! I love his satire and the raw energy in his work – the guy is a genius. And more recently I have been struck by the work of contemporary artists such as Luke Martineau, Mike Bernard, and Andrew Hood to name but a few. Anybody that can capture the essence of a subject matter with expression and vigour, gets my vote.

Murky Monday by Tom ButlerBoulevard Boules by Tom ButlerWetminster by Tom Butler

College trip to the New Art Gallery, the Ikon Gallery and the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

On Wednesday 11th November 2015, we went to the New Art Gallery, the Ikon Gallery and the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery on a Collage trip. These are the pictures which I took during the day.

The New Art Gallery in Walsall 
This was the first gallery we went to and, in my opinion, was the best. I loved the variety of art and sculptures and found it the most interesting out of the three.

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