
Michelle Chaplin Interpretation
I chose this portrait for a number of reasons. For
Example, whilst I was searching for an image
to use, this one instantly stood out as it was
unusual. Furthermore, you can tell it is an
old photograph (1800s) which is what the collage I
was studying had as the background. As well as this, it made me think
of an appropriate book to include as the text and images.
I printed another copy of the portrait but in
black and white  due to the  fact that the
collage I was interpreting also had two
different coloured copies: a sepia and a black
and white one. I also decided to
do this because the text which I imported on the
 image using  Word document would not have
 showed up as clearly on the sepia copy.
I decided that I didn't like the font that I used in the
previous image as it didn't really reflect an old book
 which is the effect I wanted. So, instead I used
  Times Roman which I think is much more effective.
The reason why I ripped the paper instead of
cutting it in a straight line  was because I like how the
collage I was studying looked as it makes
it more visually interesting

I chose an Alice in Wonderland theme owing to the fact that the
portrait of the woman was created in the 1800s which is when Lewis Carroll wrote the book. Not only that, the fact that she has a top hat on made me think of the Mad Hatter, which is a character from the book. When I first printed off the images, the colours where very strong and I was concerned that they would overpower the whole collage which I didn't want, so to resolve this I tried dipping them in water. This resulted in the pictures fading slightly, making them less dominant overall. I also used my nail to faintly scratch the image to give it more of an interesting effective and so  it sort of blends in with the rest of the collage

The smaller images are placed in the same
place as the original due to the fact that I think
they fit well as they don't cover the most important
aspects of the portrait (the facial area).

To complete the collage, I used the pattern on the collage I was looking at and modified
it to fit my theme. I decided to create a detailed pattern using different shapes and dots as I
think it links with the collage and adds a bit more to it without it being really dominant and overpowering.
I also made sure it didn't affect the viewing  of the face of the woman in the background because I
think that would have spoilt the collage as there would be too much going on in only one aspect of the page.

Caterina Giglio Interpretation

To create the background of the collage, I used acrylic paint and water to make water-
washed effect. This was due to the fact that it makes it appear older which I don't think 
would have happened with just one, bold colour.

I used a teabag to recreate the old and worn effect that is apparent in Caterina
Giglio's collage. I wanted this because it links with the theme of time and faded as it
appears older than it actually is.

I then dipped the paper in water as when it is ripped, its looks more natural 
which further reflects the theme of time and faded. To intensify this idea, 
I also crumpled the paper up before I glued it down which 
created a 3D effect. 

I wanted to import similar apsects of Caterina's
collage into mine, so although I used a different
book to her (Lord of the Rings) I trued to place them in the same place.
For instance, the music sheet is in the same place as Caterina's as well
as the main feature of the collage which is the front cover
placed in the middle of the page.

Collette Leisen Interpretation

I kept with the idea of the background being a page from
an old dictionary as it links with the theme of time and faded
due to the edges and sides of the page being stained and yellow.

When I firs placed these sheets of paper on the collage,the white paper stood out too much,
dominating the rest of the collage, so to resolve this I used acrylic paint to make it
a similar colour to the background.

I decided to use blues and green to make this sheet as I
think it makes the image of the girl stand out due to the clash of the red on her hat
and shoes.

When I glued these white sheets of paper down, I thought they
were to bright and stood out too much. So, instead, I used a grey oil
pastel to resolve this issue. I didn't colour it in bold grey as I think it
wouldn't have had the same effect. I think, like this, it creates a contrast
 between the blue sheet and the strips of paper. 

I chose this particular image of the girl because it is similar to the one that
Leisen used but at the same time its different which makes the collage unique.
I thought it was appropriate, especially with the quote
 I also used in the collage. I also kept with the same design of the
flowers but  I used oil pastels.  This is because I think they create another layer in the collage,
making it, as a whole, more interesting to look at.

Instead of having the text just at bottom and in black
on the actual image, I decided to write the words
on white paper and then stick them down. This is because the quote I found
 which rally linked  with the image of the girl, dancing was quite long
 so it wouldn't have fit where  Leisen placed hers. 

Eugenian Loli Interpretation  

I kept with the same colour in the background
 as the collage I was studying whilst creating
this one because I think the pink makes the collage stand
 out without repressing the more important aspects of the
I decided to use a black and white image of
a gun as I thought it linked with the military
aspect of the collage by Eugenia Loli. Furthermore,  I think this particular
image causes the collage to stand  out due to its simplicity.

I didn't want to use bold and block colours when creating
the flowers and leaves because I think it would have been to much,
especially with the background. So, Instead, I just imported a hint
a colour using oil pastels with the outline of the
drawings being in fine liner so they are separated from the background.

Although this collage is quite simple, I think
it is really effective in regards to promoting a
message that I wanted to include when recreating
 a collage by Eugenia Loli.

Collage Homework

Collage and paint on vintage dictionary sheet. 
-Colette Leisen

I have chosen this particular piece of work due to the fact that it was the first one that caught my eye. This is because I love how the artist uses colour to contrast the different layers and I like how they have imported different forms of text that relate to the main focus of the collage which, in this occasion, is the girl dancing. I think this piece links with the theme of memories because of the vintage feel with the old-fashioned text in the background and the slightly yellow stained sheet of paper, which results in the collage seeming old, suggesting it is an interpretation of an individual's memories of being young and innocent.          

caterinagiglio:Jane Eyre, mixed media on paper, 20 x 24Caterina Giglio 
Jane Eyre, mixed media on paper, 20 x 24 - Caterina Giglio

I think this collage reflect the specified theme owing to the fact that the centre point is a sheet saying 'Jane Eyre, an autobiography' which is evidently an old novel (published in 1847) showing the theme of time which is intensified by the yellow/brown stained paper that creates this whole collage.

Michelle Caplan...So weird....I could swear this is a photo of my mom.:
-Michelle Caplin

"The portraits bring life to photographic history, each piece with its own narrative; trying to the tell the story of the person behind the image. It can represent a link to a family’s past and provide a visual legacy for its future." - Michelle Caplin
I really like this collage as I think it strongly displays the theme of time due to the fact that the portrait is from a long time ago. As well as this the images that are over it look aged and vintage. I like the seemingly random array of pictures and text that have been used to create a effective and whole collage. I feel the artist has reflected the theme of faded and memories because the images look like they're from an old children's book as well as the text which hints at the memories of an individual's childhood and what they enjoyed to read. The fact that the text is only an extract and the pictures are not whole suggests that the person's (perhaps the woman in the background?) memories are faded and fragmented.

-The Conquest of Nature. Collage by Eugenia Loli

I chose this collage because I really like how there is an important underlying meaning which results in it becoming a lot more interesting. This is an aspect which I will try to import into my own collages due to the fact that it makes the art not just visually eye-catching but also important in promoting a certain issue or event.

Q. How do you make your collages?

A: I start by finding a "base" image, and then I sort of build around it. Sometimes I have a concrete idea of what I want to do, and sometimes I leave the images to fit together by themselves. Sometimes, after a lot of juxtaposing, the "base" image might  not even be part of the final college. Most of the time, I try to "say" something important via my art, but other times it's just about doodling.

- Extract from an interview with Eugenia Loli

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